
Upload your road and rail BIM designs into Infrakit and share them with all relevant staff in real time. During construction the designs in Infrakit are supplemented with as-built measurements. Measured points can be combined with design surfaces and the system automatically displays differences as color-coded icons on the map. Possible changes to designs can be updated directly to Infrakit so they are immediately available to all relevant parties and appropriate procedures can be initiated without any delay. A perfect database containing initial data, design files and as-built measurements is formed during the project. Utilization of this information continues during maintenance phase.

Use Infrakit at the office on your laptop or PC via map interface, where you can manage BIM models, as-built information and photos. As-builts, photos and machine control system management all have their own dedicated toolkits. In the office view user can also open work machine performance, efficiency and usage history in a practical calendar view. The BIM designs can be viewed on a map and as cross-sections. Also real-time as-built points gathered from the field equipment are visible on both.

Using Infrakit Tablet on site you are able to view terrain models on map display together with user position, which makes navigation at the construction site easy. The tablet interface also offers a possibility to select a specific model or design to be viewed over background map and a possibility to view cross-sections. Cross-sections show all design surfaces and related as-built points including tolerance information. Infrakit Tablet is also a tool for designing, project management and quality assurance.

Infrakit is a Finnish software startup, a team of 13 located in Helsinki, Belgrade and Bennekom. We have been in business for 5 years and see that this is a good time for international expansion.

Infrakit cloud platform brings the benefits of digitization to infra-construction sites. Project owner, designer and contractor, as well as all other relevant personnel, can see project progress on a map display in real time. This guarantees the quality of work, and progress within schedule and budget. All information is shared between everyone, always.