
A Better Life: Less Time, More Problems

Does it seem the quantity of problems you have is ever growing, however, at the same time; your spare time is dwindling? Here’s a recommendation that may help balance the scales – at least somewhat.

If you think about it, there is a good bit of time that we spend, during the course of each day, that we could actually be significantly more productive. Examples of those times include driving time, shower time, lunch time, break time and pretty much anytime we are simply waiting on something or someone. Typically the way we spend that downtime is by occupying ourselves with any number of primarily mindless distractions such as the radio, television, phone conversations, random thoughts, etc. In reality, we could be considerably more productive with that time.

Thus, the recommendation is this… Think about the issues, concerns and things that need to be solved in your life. Generate a list. Categorize the individual items in terms of whether you anticipate each to require considerable thought or not – and also in terms of each item’s relative importance to your happiness and fulfillment. Once you’ve done that, be sure to keep a copy of that list close at all times.

And during those down times, pick a problem off the list and think about it. When you’re on your way to work… while you’re in the shower… when things slow down for a couple minutes and you have nothing else pressing to do – think about how you might resolve the problem - and how to best address the symptoms that allowed the problem to arise. Think about tasks you can do to minimize the relevance of the issue – as well as steps you can take to make the issue completely go away.

Just doing that… What you will find is that you will become considerably more productive in the time you do have. What you will find is that your list of problems will grow shorter and shorter – moving you that much closer to true happiness and fulfillment.

Happy living to you…

D Anthony

Inspirational Author and Motivator

Author of “The Nurse in the Delivery Room Slapped Me… Once

Founder of STSTheBook.com and SomethingToShare.com

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