
Be inspired. God did it for these forty women. He can do it for you too.

Diane and Jo Ann have crafted a Chicken Soup for the Soul®-spirited book that takes readers on an inspirational journey; a journey which teaches women how to entrust the hard spots of life to a sovereign God who has a plan.

Inspired Women Succeed is a book of courage and hope. You will connect with forty, brave-hearted Christian women entrepreneurs who faced unfathomable trials with heroic faith. And this passionate group of women authentically shares their life-transforming stories.

Breathe in their heartfelt words and experience a rich inspiration woven throughout the book, like an intricate delicate tapestry. Be inspired as these women discover their life’s passion. Most importantly, be challenged by their words as you learn how to use your own life experiences as a catalyst for success.

This book is about real women doing real life. In some way, each of these stories is a piece of our own. Through a vulnerable transparency, the stories of these women offer you a permission to be real. To confront the tough issues of life with a new perspective.

Amazing things happen when women follow their inspiration. Are you ready?

Learn to stand up for yourself—say what you’ve needed to say.
Set specific goals, speak them, and work intentionally toward them.
Be brave—do the thing that scares you the most.
Experience God’s plan of provision.
Allow God to use painful life experiences as a catalyst for life-defining purpose.
“This book is a shot of encouragement and inspiration when I am in those inevitable entrepreneurial ruts. Inspired Women Succeed is more than another book. It is like having a cup of coffee with a kindred spirit—forty amazing, brilliant, world-changing kindred spirits. The Holy Spirit flows through this book. Powerful! These women have a passion for God that is contagious.”
–Cindy Rushton, Author of over 100 books and Bible Studies

What scoreboard determines true success?

Must we be famous? Rich? Well-credentialed experts? Whether we acknowledge it or not, the way we measure success greatly impacts our lives. Inspired Women Succeed cuts through the spoils of cultural expectations and uncovers genuine success.

This book is a heart song for women. A unique combination of forty faithful women who found success on God’s terms—success in spite of some unfathomable circumstances. These stories inspire us to be bigger, reach farther, and sing louder. These women inspire us to succeed—to discover and live out our life purpose.