About |
Insulite Laboratories was established in 2001 in Boulder, Colorado USA, to research, develop and test a scientifically based, multi-layered approach to addressing the problems associated with Insulin Resistance, a potentially dangerous imbalance of blood glucose and insulin. Reversing the condition requires a complete, specialized system which incorporates potent nutraceuticals (a natural herb, vitamin, mineral or other nutrient used medicinally); a tailored nutrition plan; an exercise plan designed to increase insulin sensitivity; a component that addresses carbohydrate addiction; and an extensive support network.
Recognizing that there are millions of people who need this kind of systematic approach to reversing insulin resistance, Insulite Laboratories has, over the past eight years, developed individual systems for PCOS (Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome), excess weight/obesity, metabolic syndrome, pre-diabetes and type 2 diabetes.
In the area of PCOS, an endocrine condition that is the major cause of infertility
in women of childbearing age, Insulite Laboratories has developed a natural five point health protocol to enable women to manage their PCOS. Successful, natural pregnancies have occured in a number of women who were previously unable to conceive or could do so only by pharmaceutical intervention.