
Nancy Wagaman, MA, is an intuitive consultant who provides immediate insight into the subtle dynamics affecting you - such as limiting beliefs and self-defeating patterns - and how to transform them to align with your greatest potential. Grounded in science, psychology, and depth intuition, Nancy's services enable you to see any situation with a higher consciousness. and get to the heart of the matter quickly by working directly with the underlying mental, emotional, and subconscious factors at play.


Businesses can discover:

- How your consciousness is affecting business results
- Subtle-energy dynamics that limit processes and results
- Your greatest opportunities you're missing

Individuals can:

- Transform limiting beliefs and self-defeating patterns
- Identify and clear inner blocks
- Discover your greatest gifts and potential


INTUITIVE ASSESSMENT: The fast track to understand situations and opportunities. Imagine a mirror that reflects back in great detail what you can't otherwise see.

DEPTH CONSCIOUSNESS TECHNIQUES: Align all inner resources towards your desired result. Master your mind to work for you instead of against you. Transform what's not working.

UNIVERSAL FIELD TECHNIQUES: Learn to master your interaction with the world by understanding subtle energy dynamics and working in symbiosis with universal laws.