
Israel Ellis  spent 15 years building a 3PL company (logistics) betting his business on AdvancePro® inventory management software.  He sold the 3PL, acquired the inventory software technology, and became the chief executive of a new company called AdvancePro Technologies.  

AdvancePro Technologies provides a cost effective inventory management solution that helps companies worldwide manage  inventory, provide real time information, and is able to integrate seamlessly with other business process technologies such as QuickBooks®, web services including e-commerce B2B, B2C, and sales rep portals;  point-of-sale, mobile, among other integrated solutions..

It is a very powerful and highly customizable out-of-the-box system. With its ability to sync with QuickBooks® it is an SME-affordable ERP solution that fits well within a small company budget.

For further information please contact your AdvancePro Technologies Solutions Consultant at:

Mark Schlossberg - VP Sales