
James' House (aka James House Ltd) is a Georgia based, Nationally focused 501c3 Nonprofit Health & Human Services/AIDS Service Organization with a 3 Point Mission Statement : 1.) To provide clean, safe & cost effective Housing/Utility Assistance for those folks infected with one or more immune system compromising illness (e.g. HIV/AIDS, Cancer, Heart Disease, Diabetes etc.) who by way of MD clearance are ready and healthy enough to return to the Business of Living. We employ a with a “Paying It Forward” twist - a legal clause: for each 6 months of Housing/Utility Assistance a Client receives, they are expected to contribute 24 hrs of their time, divided up, however & whenever they elect, to at least one or more worthwhile charitable causes, James’ House, Jerusalem House, Feeding the Homeless, A Cancer or AIDs Walk, Run or Ride, Diabetes & Heart Health events/programs, or others like Habitat for Humanity, Building Ramp Accessible Homes for Handicapped Vets, Feeding the Homeless etc.).
(Please Note: James’ House is not a Shelter nor a Hospice Care facility - It is our mission to help our clients prior to their needing either of those two options).*
2.) To provide Educational Programs, Materials & Instructional Resources to both infected or affected persons in “at risk” populations or to the general public regarding immune system compromising illnesses (e.g. HIV/AIDS, Cancer, Heart Disease, Diabetes, etc.). In-house, via Virtual/Online or Face to Face interaction, we help folks with Living with the disease/s, updates on new medications & treatment initiatives & more. Integrating both AMA MDs & Alternative or Holistic professionals, along with their respective approaches to a person’s over all Health & wellness, we produce innovative & engaging 1 Day EDU Seminars in conjunction with other nonprofits covering a wide variety of areas designed to encourage individual overall Personal Advocacy. These may include Diet, Exercise, Reiki, Yoga, Massage, Fitness & Nutrition, Day to Day Life Skills, Awareness, Prevention & Early Detection, Domestic or Spousal Abuse, Substance Abuse & unplanned teen pregnancy. Occasionally, when venue appropriate, cost effective (funded) & feasible, HIV/AIDS & other STD Testing & Counseling by our own C.D.C. Certified staff may offered.
3.) To provide online or offset financial assistance for cost effective credible Counseling & Referrals for
General, Financial, Legal Aids, Psychiatric or Psychological and more Assistance as is needed on a client by client basis. Referrals are made after James’ House has confirmed both the need of the Client and the qualifications of the Person/Service/s to which a client is being referred.
We do not discriminate. James’ House offers services to all persons, both in the general public as well as within “at risk” communities. James’ House is not exclusive of any segment of society, having no bias regarding race, religion, gender, lifestyle, nor any other cultural characteristics. We do, however, focus the central efforts of Client Services to persons 18 or older. Educational Programs & Referrals are not restricted by age (except in those instances where the subject matter -sexual health- is considered “off-limits” to minors by city, county or state law, &/or other imposed rules or regulations).
Meeting our 3 Mission Statement objectives is expensive. In order to meet the needs of our client base, to grow & to maintain sustainability, funding for James’ House comes primarily from Individual Contributions as well as from Corporate Sponsorships, Grants, Trusts & Foundations.
* With specific regard to Housing/Utility & Counseling/Referral Assistance, our Clients are chiefly comprised of those “middle class” folks who fall into a “Catch 22” in that they earned too much (over the poverty line) the last time they were healthy enough to work & thusly cannot qualify for much, if any Fed Based Assistance when their Cancer goes into remission, their HIV/AIDS goes undetectable, etc. James’ House is a compliment to, as opposed to a competitor to, other nonprofit organizations as we help those folks their federally based restrictions make impossible. Our aid programs are an enhanced version of the old Ryan White Program but without the exclusivity of clients being HIV/AIDS solely or their being below the poverty level. James’ House is not affiliated with the United Way nor is James’ House a subsidiary of any other 501(c)3 Organization.
NOTE: While there Is a physical Base Camp Office in our home state of Georgia for necessary meetings, interviews & training sessions, etc., James’ House is an entirely virtual fully functional nonprofit health & human services organization with both Staff & Board in various cities, about GA & the U.S.A. (3 outside the U.S.), working together via an integrated online network. www.james-house.org