About |
Presentation Excellence is a full-spectrum resource center serving executives who want to achieve excellence in their business endeavors and professional relationships.
Late in 1999, a multi-billion dollar company called our president for help with a presentation. The former CEO of Brilliant Image, a leading presentation graphics firm which had serviced 5000+ clients during 15 years, and past president of IAPP, the industry trade association, he reviewed it and concluded that it far surpassed most presentations. So he asked the client what they didn't like about it; the client responded that he liked it - since it already was closing 92% their prospective deals. He wanted to improve it because, if it would close just one percent more deals, it would be worth millions to the company.
Recognizing that winners want to achieve excellence in all their endeavors, that day we founded Presentation Excellence. Our goal is to help our clients become "heroes".
We address issues related to presentations, sales, marketing, management, leadership development, organizational change, new business development and public/investor relations. We're proud to be "trusted advisors" to our clients solving their evolving challenges as time progresses.