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The Law Offices of Joe Rogoway, P.C. represents criminal defendants in Santa Rosa, California. A person accused of committing a crime faces the loss of certain freedoms making it vital to retain an attorney immediately following an arrest for the protection of constitutional rights throughout the legal process. Mr. Rogoway has extensive experience in the area of drug crimes and laws pertaining to cannabis. Much time and energy has been devoted to helping protect safe access for medical cannabis patients. He co-authored the California Cannabis Initiative and is currently co-authorizing the Repeal Cannabis Prohibition Act of 2012. The firm has expanded to include criminal defense of serious gang crimes, murder, manslaughter, white collar crimes, and more. In solidarity with the Occupy movement, Mr. Rogoway will be representing non-violent civil rights defendants. The firm is truly dedicated to helping criminal defendants achieve the best possible case results whether inside or outside the courtroom. You can learn more at www.CriminalDefenseAttorneySantaRosa.com.