
Judy has taught creative writing to all education levels and presented to literary workshops and international conferences on poetry, writing and women’s studies. Internationally published, she was an editor of Artemis, Artists and Writers from the Blue Ridge for 13 years and was a Blue Ridge Writers Conference founder. Her books are First Recital, Smuggled Seeds, Mud River (poetry), Skyhooks and Grasshopper Traps, Creative Writing across the Curriculum, Easy Ideas for Busy Teachers, The Writers' Express (writing texts), Nothing but Time (cross-cultural and triumph over trauma memoir) and Some of My Ancestors are Ottomans and Turks (illustrated children’s) and her new novel, Forty Thorns (or Kirk Diken in the Turkish translation). Literary publications include New York Quarterly, Mickle Street Review, the new renaissance, Sow’s Ear, www. mediterranean.nu, Pig Iron Press, Hawaii Pacific Review, Black Water Review, Northeast Journal, Kalliope. Honors such as “Woman of Achievement in Education 2010”, Va. Com. Of Arts, various poetry and short story prizes, Daughters of Ataturk, Turkish Forum, College Bookstores Best Book Finalist, Gusto Poet Discovery Winner, Nazim Hikmet Poetry Festival Prize Winner, Pushcart Prize nominee, and Virginia Center for the Creative Arts Fellow. May 2012 WINNER Literary Fiction Award and FINALIST Historical Fiction The International Book Awards.