About |
KmXtend launched in 2020 at a time where salons were having a hard time accessing quality hair extensions. Salon owners and professional hairstylists alike complained about the inconsistencies and inconveniences of the hair extensions offered on the market. Simply put, it was hard to find the perfect mix of quality, affordability, and experience. And so, KmXtend was born. With a solution in hand for salon owners and hairstylists, we decided to extend the love to consumers. Committed to building a community, we offered incredibly favorable terms to salon owners, and our little business has been growing ever since. Our founder, a life-long cosmetologist, has a passion for supplying quality products she can feel good about and stand behind. It’s not without a lot of joy that she can share high-quality products that stylists and consumers love to wear, and tell their friends about. Today, our hair extensions for both professionals and extension wearers, are changing the way women feel and shop for this must-have accessory. With a high customer service and a commitment to offering luxury products, KmXtend makes it easy for you to own the night or the day with confidence and beauty through hair. As the brand continues to grow, our commitment to empowering women to feel confident and beautiful with premium-quality hair extensions for all budgets will remain the same. We’re here to bring the best to the hair market and we’ll be doing it with a lot of love, luxury and glam — welcome!