
In Case You're Wondering Who's Responsible for...

Meet LP Lloyd Jr., the hilarious laugh-making alchemist and syllogistic acrobat who turns everyday life into a humorist's treasure trove, mining laughter, captivating audiences across mediums as an author, comedian, writer, and inspirational motivational speaker (most successful at getting himself out of bed).

His passion for storytelling and comedy debuted at an early age, drawing inspiration from a dating history so disastrous it's become the hallmark of unmade love disaster flicks about unknown celebrity alien abductions. Somehow this sparked a comedic crusade to save others from the boredom of everyday life – a mission he brings to his books, stand-up comedy, short films, and questionable attempts at interpretive dance.

LP is a relentless creator (when the mood strikes), crafting humor, music, occasionally inedible food (aka improvised charcoal briquettes) – even the odd anti-viral website expressly designed for digital obscurity. Whether he's writing scripts, whipping up culinary disasters, or religiously mastering the art of procrastination, his creativity knows no bounds (but his attention span... That's different!)

According to his family, friends, and associates (who've all, at times, disavowed knowledge of his existence and fear for his mediocrity), LP has been unleashing his creativity on the world since his 1st days in school. He was the co-founder of his high school underground newspaper "Defiance" and more than a few off-the-beaten-track websites (most of which have since been seized by creditors or the authorities).

In addition to his literary endeavors, LP is a seasoned comedian known for his razor-sharp wit and infectious energy on stage. In college, he excelled at logic, often leaving his professor doubled over laughing with his comical inferences ("fallacious" as the professor said, but his laughter signaled they were hilarious!).

Example:  Premise 1: All birds have wings. Premise 2: Penguins are birds. Conclusion: Therefore, penguins have wings, and logically, should be able to fly... If only downward from great heights.

From comedy clubs to online videos, he has earned a reputation for leaving audiences in stitches with his irreverent humor and clever observations on the absurdities of everyday life.

Beyond his professional pursuits, LP is an avid artist and musician, finding joy in expression through art, songwriting, and experimenting with new creative forms. He believes in the importance of self-expression and creative play, striving to make a positive impact on the world through his work and his interactions with others.