
Landshark is a clean, friendly, and fun environment for anyone interested in improving their health, losing weight, increasing athletic performance, getting into shape, staying in shape, improving body image, recovering from injury or illness, or finding a supportive fitness family.

Strength: Landshark has it all. Well-maintained and well-organized circuit training machines and plenty of free weight and cable equipment for even the most ardent lifter. Waiting is not an issue. No stupid sirens or flashing lights here… just a clean strength center for everyone.

Cardio: Carpeted areas with lots of treadmills and ellipticals – most with personal video capability. There are also stationary bikes, spin bikes, stairmills, steppers and rowers.

Group Exercise: Included with your membership! Live instructed Spin, Yoga, Zumba, Pilates, Tabita, SharkFit, Shark Theory, and more classes are available at times that will work for you.

Childcare: We care for your children in a clean and happy Sharky’s Kids Club so that you can take care of yourself for a while.

Racquetball: Enjoy lively games with your friends and family.

Women Only Area: Get in your workout away from distractions and stares in a secluded private space.