
Now more than ever people are relying on the power of face to face interaction that's available only at trade shows. To get the most out of your tradeshow and to prove ROI, it's important to capture every solid lead to gain competitive advantage.

You invest a lot of time and money at an event. For a minor investment, Lead Retrieval allows you to quickly identify your best prospects and capture their info in a quick and organized manner. Besides, how much critical information can you possibly fit onto the back of a business card? Information is power and exhibitor's need to get as much information as possible from attendees when they exhibit.

Bartizan has the right lead retrieval solution for you - we offer 3 different, user friendly badge scanners. All of these scanners have removable memory so exhibitors will walk away from the show with their leads solidly and securely in hand. And all of the models have qualifiers and printout options.

The Expo! Ultra is our desktop model. Expo! Ultra - has features most desired by exhibitors: USB stick removable memory; a built-in printer; intuitive operation. Exhibitor leads can also be uploaded to our web portal and displayed there in charts and graphs. Triple memory redundancy assures data will never be lost.

The Expo! Leads2Go and the Expo! RealTimer units are lightweight and fit in the palm of your hand. These units are wireless and does not require booth power. In addition to all of the features you've come to expect in Lead Retrieval, they also have voice notes and a built in camera.

The Expo Realtimer has the added feature of wireless real-time synching that pushes data to a web portal instantly.

Visit us at: or call our friendly staff at: (800) 899-2278.