
Live Now Games is an app development company based in Atlanta, GA.  In 2012 it released its first app, LiveNowTV! The app was one of the most successful streaming TV apps with millions of users globally.

Live Now Games released the first of three games in the AfroChicken game tribology, Galaxy Defender in April 2019.

For more information go to the website, http://www.livenowgames.com

Live Now Games位於美國亞特蘭大,2012推出第一支app: LiveNowTV! ,是當時最受歡迎的TV app,全球超過800萬次下載量。

Live Now Games目前專攻手機遊戲,2019年4月底推出AfroChicken Galaxy Defender。

更多系列遊戲,請造訪網站, http://www.livenowgames.com