
The Lucentra Corporation has emerged in the international business consulting market as a leader in the development and management of international trade. The Lucentra Corporation specializes in assisting corporations that are successful in their domestic business endeavors in establishing and maintaining an international business presence.  The Lucentra Corporation understands that globalization is a tremendous and all-encompassing factor in the global economic sphere.  For example, the inter-relation between business and the environment affects every nation on the planet.  The scarcity of resources makes it vitally important to look at the planet’s resources in their totality, natural resources as well as human.

The Lucentra Corporation has a team of experienced and diverse international business consultants from all parts of the world who speak all languages.  The consulting team is divided into market segments which make them subject matter experts.  

Our service areas are as follows:
accounting services
agricultural products
aircraft/aircraft parts
automobiles/auto parts
banking services
business services
education and training
food service equipment
Information services
insurance services
legal services
machine tools
medical equipment
metalworking equipment
oil/gas field machinery
pollution control equipment
renewable energy equipment
security/safety equipment
transportation services
travel and tourism services
The Lucentra Corporation also provides cultural education, making assimilation into the international market a smoother transition for employees and corporate officers.  We recognize engaging in business in a new and different market requires some corporate change management to make for happy employees and superior international business customer service.

Our service regions are as follows:
North America
South America
Middle East
The Lucentra Corporation has a network of international professionals that are part of our external affiliate network to assist use in delivering on our commitment to assisting your organization on building and maintaining a successful and profitable international business arm.

We treat your business as our business. We place a high value on corporate diversity and devote our time to training our employees properly. We are constantly researching our service areas and service regions to stay close to the market trends and developments. We are vigilant in making sure that you are aware of all the legal and political developments in the scope of your international business market.

The Lucentra Corporation is your partner in prosperity along your path to excellence.