Showcase |
“MAPP it” —MobileAdApp Product Placement
What is it?
“MAPP it” —MobileAdApp Product Placement is Narrative Marketing that uses the GUIOPERA as a medium in which the Author extols the virtues of select brands and products via characters in a story about a story being written—GUIOPERA.
Research has shown that third party endorsement of a company or brand is favored by an audience above an outright advertisement by the company to boast about itself. In an emotive sell, “MAPP it” looks to gain empathy—Emotional Impression—or MAPP-EI, from the reader for the company, brand, and its products, while sounding like an unbiased voice telling a story, in which the placed products just happen to appear.
How it works
“MAPP it” takes its concept of Product Placement from movies and TV by placing its product in full view of its audience next to the lead characters, or in the hands of the character making the Product a “Character Personal Effect” or MAPP-CPE. In some cases, the product defines the Character, or is a Personal Effect the Character cannot do without.
Service Levels
Name Sponsor (MAPP-NS): Your Brand or Product will be the headliner, with the most Impressions throughout the GUIOPERA, when your name appears on the banner of every LATEST UPLOAD. Strategic placement of your Brand and Products within the story reinforces the investment using MAPP-EI or Emotional Impression.
Character Personal Effects (MAPP-CPE): Imagine your product being the one thing in the world Polina Rada (Princess of the New Global Realm from the GUIOPERA) an orphan from Russia who has had her fair share of knocks in life, cannot do without. Or, imagine your Brand being the epitome of “Power” in the eyes of John Lazoo (one of the creators of the GUIOPERA), a genius ideas guy who is illiterate….
MAPP-EI or Emotional Impression: An impact made from the story.
MAPP-CPE or Character Personal Effect: An item that defines or makes a character.