
Founded in 1966, Madison Park Development Corporation is one of the nation's first community-based, non-profit organizations to independently develop affordable housing for low and moderate income residents. MPDC created a model of resident-led community development, and has evolved to become a comprehensive agency promoting the full revitalization and redevelopment of Roxbury. With resident leadership, MPDC has undertaken numerous programs to address the social and economic needs of the community and has endeavored to link all of its efforts into a sustainable, holistic approach to revitalizing our target area.

Despite the successes we have achieved over the last four decades, the work of revitalizing Roxbury is not complete. MPDC strongly believes in community partnerships because we want to build, and be members of, a strong and healthy community. We embrace partnerships that strengthen each other's organizations and institutions. We know through collaboration we can build power and harness our collective capacity to advocate for change.