
Many manufacturers continue to build and sell their tools without the necessary machine guarding and electrical controls required by OSHA and various safety regulations. There are no laws that require them to do so. OSHA states that if the operation of equipment or if accidental contact can injure the operator or others in the vicinity, the hazards must be either controlled or eliminated.

So what's the solution? By safeguarding machines, you can protect employees and save money by reducing insurance rates while increasing productivity.

Lovegreen offers machine guarding products to keep you safe in your wood shop or metal shop. Stop in and look at the chip shields, drill press guards and emergency stop buttons. There are also motor controls that have power outage protection to prevent machines from starting accidentally.

Are there machines in your facility that violate OSHA safeguarding standards? We can help you find out with an on-site, machine safety survey. Our safety engineer will tour your facility, evaluate your machines and create a confidential, detailed report outlining your current safety situation. We will provide you with an illustrated, written report detailing each machine's risk factors.

Do you know if your machines are properly guarded to current OSHA standards? Our experience shows that improper guarding can slow down production and create a safety hazard. Our expert installers will fabricate and install custom guards on-site. We can provide turnkey service, work with your maintenance department, or just provide the guarding materials. Call us to take the guess work out of machine safety