
Maggie Ayre is a Fitness Coach for Teenage Girls.

Maggie has a goal to Get Every Teen Girl Active.  She has seen that activity can massively increase a girl's self-confidence and self-esteem as well as helping to promote a positive body-image.  

- Active girls concentrate and participate better at schools leading to improved grades.

- Active girls feel more capable and better able to deal with what life throws at them.

- Schools that include regular activity as part of the school day report fewer incidences of bad behaviour.

Maggie achieves her goal through Personal Training and Group Sessions for teenage girls - many of whom have become disengaged from traditional PE activities.  All of the sessions include nutrition and goal setting advice and the emphasis is on establishing the habit of regular activity and healthy eating which the girls can continue with as they enter adult life.

Maggie is also a regular contributor to several local and national media.  Her blog can be found at http://www.maggieayre.com where content is updated several times a week with useful advice and tips for parents, carers and teenage girls.

Maggie has developed the 3G Program; a program designed to be run in schools and youth clubs which incorporates fitness, nutrition and goal setting.  It utilises organised sessions, workbooks, videos and a supportive membership site to ensure the girls feel empowered to make a difference to their activity levels and nutrition.

Maggie is currently looking for schools to take part in a pilot project of the 3G Program in September 2011.  Please see http://www.femalefitnessrevolution.com for more information.