
Malia Indigo Corporation “Malia Indigo” is a Canadian winning award not-for profit organization that promotes diversity, inclusion and equity in the Canadian fashion industry. Malia Indigo founded in 2016 seeks to challenge the fashion industry standards and provide a platform for marginalized body types, ethnicities, and identities to be seen and valued.  

At Malia Indigo Corporation, we believe that fashion has the power to inspire, empower, and celebrate individuality. Our organization serves as a catalyst for change, providing a platform to underrepresented fashion artists to showcase their talents.

We take immense pride in being the creative force behind the successful Toronto Plus Size Fashion Show (TPSFS),  the Canada's largest fashion show focusing on full-figured individuals.

By showcasing designers, fashion brands and Plus Size models, and embracing a wide range of body types, we are redefining beauty standards and empowering individuals to embrace their own unique beauty.