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While managers understand that acquisition is often the most efficient and cost-effective way to grow a business, they often underestimate the work required to purchase and integrate the acquired company into the fold. Marx Group Advisors can help identify and prioritize potential acquisition opportunities, make discreet investigations to find potential sellers, and bring qualified prospects to the buyers. We also support legal and accounting due diligence and advice on capital resources when needed. MGA has a selection of finance partners that can help execute acquisitions, roll-ups, equity plays and financing-for-growth.
Marx Group Advisors is a team of experienced specialists providing clients with strategic advisory services for mergers, acquisitions and divestitures, as well as assisting them with capital formation for private equity placements. We bring buyers and sellers together and facilitate a successful transaction for our clients, focused on a win-win, rather than adversarial, methodology.
Marx Group Advisors (MGA) provides mergers and acquisitions strategy and consulting services for the automotive and heavy duty/commercial vehicle aftermarket. MGA focuses on providing strategic advisory services for mergers, acquisitions, rollups, and divestitures for small-to-middle market-sized businesses.
Additionally, MGA can assist with capital formation for private equity placements. MGA is headquartered in Boston and San Rafael, Calif. and has team members in Houston, Phoenix, New York, Boca Raton, Fla., Cleveland and Toronto.