About |
The MAS mission is: (i) to promote public understanding and appreciation of the sciences, (ii) to support scientific research and education in areas relevant to the needs of the state, and (iii) to provide consultative or advisory services on matters of science to the local, state, and federal agencies.
At the MAS, we are passionate about making science tangible and exciting to everyone! We search for and facilitate innovative partnerships between science industries, research institutions, science teachers, college students, and the general public; creating dynamic activities and communities that mutually satisfy the common goals of all our partners. We combine our powerful resources of pedagogy and STEM field experts to create dynamic educational campaigns. These campaigns put a “face” to the science that affects everyday lives, and serves up science to the public — making them want to come back for more!
What is the ultimate goal? By satisfying our objectives to improve STEM education and STEM workforce development, we satisfy our over-arching goal, which is to increase civic science literacy. When Massachusetts residents are empowered with scientific knowledge, their decision-making is well informed, their voices are strong, and their communities are recognized; they have a direct hand in how science affects their daily lives.