About |
SureTouch Breast Exam is a painless, radiation free, Screening Clinical Breast Examination with immediate digital results. The SureTouch System is a cloud based medical device comprised of a wireless sensor, touch screen display, and SureTouch network and is enabled by proprietary tactile sensor technology to capture the sense of touch.
The SureTouch breast exam is FDA-cleared (FDA #K010514) and provides a safe, ultra-sensitive and reliable screening clinical breast examination with immediate, objective, digitized results for patients and doctors.
The sensitivity, accuracy and immediacy of the breast screening results provided by SureTouch enables patients and doctors to take potentially life-saving action in the event of an abnormality. SureTouch is an ideal Screening Clinical Breast Exam that empowers clinicians and healthcare providers to:
1. Efficiently provide superior patient care.
2. Deliver and document a more accurate breast examination than a standard Clinical Breast Exam (CBE) therefore improving the detection of breast abnormalities.
3. Utilize the cost-effective SureTouch technology to confirm the absence of cancer.
For more information, visit our website at www.suretouch.us or contact:
Joe Peterson, MD, CEO of Medical Tactile, Inc.