
MemPlace.com is a "place" online where the world can share photos, videos and memories in an easy way whilst maintaining full control of who sees what with the possibility of making your own MemPlace unique by choosing a design that fits your personality!

With your own gallery you can upload full size images or reduced size as you choose. The album structure is unique in it's kind and allows for full control to maintain good order of all your memories! ALSO, upload as many videos as you wish and they are automatically converted to flash videos (same as youtube uses) for convenient access for friends and family!

With your blog you can write down your memories and easily share with the world or choose to make it diary-like and keep to yourself or a chosen few!

Your very own MemPlace should of course reflect your personality, and that is why you can choose from ready made Themes to give your memories that special look that you want!

Privacy is the backbone of MemPlace - by using our superb AccessControl and FriendLists you can fully control exactly who can access which blog posts and albums you create, without backdoors to show content that is prohibited

*** REMEMBER - A memory is best when shared with others! ***