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Memphis Web Programming offers users a local platform to discuss programming questions and get answers to code issues, internet programming road blocks, and to collaborate on web programming projects and ideas. As a registered user you can post questions in a forum related to the particular programming language your using or create a public or private group to join forces with others in the same sphere of expertise as yourself or get feedback on ideas that you may have in relation to the web programming world. You can also create a group to discuss specific projects you may have to hire someone on a contract, part time or permanent position.
By creating a public profile of your experience you can get the attention of potential employers and project managers looking to fill positions. Memphis web programming is targeted toward the greater Mid-South area with West Tennessee, North Mississippi, East Arkansas and surrounding area in mind. As a result many of the news feeds are aimed at the Mid-South area. The hope is that we can provide a platform for local Internet programmers to collaborate, learn, and share their knowledge with others.
With our groups section it is possible for company specific groups to have an area to discuss projects or ideas and collaborate. Also, with our groups section, you can inquire about programmers interested in projects you may have or for programmers to highlight their skills for potential clients or companies.This site itself is a collaboration and we welcome suggestions on new ideas that can improve and expand Memphis Web Programming.
We have organised our forums to specific internet programming languages and offer advanced search options, using SOLR Search, inside our forums and groups sections. Our registered users can target social media outlets with custiom social media links, they can upload pictures for their profile and link pictures and media for articles that they may write in the group sections. Registered users are also offered the ability to add in-line CSS and html tags to articles. Because of security there are limitations but you will also have use of a full editor including spell check.
If internet web programming is what your interrested in and you live in the Md-South area this is the place to be.