
MetaOps™ is a diversified consulting and training services company helps organizations increase market share and profitability through a People Centrix™ approach. Their MetaExpert team of world-class experts brings an extensive toolkit of business process improvement strategies that helps management see problems and opportunities, and teaches staff how to make dramatic improvements and drive sustainable improvement - fast.

MetaOps, Inc launched MetaExperts in 2012 a staffing provider of highly skilled top talented individuals who solve difficult business problems fast. Those who use MetaExperts, save time, save money, eliminate ongoing personnel investment.

December 2012 MetaOps, Inc. launched MetaOps MagEzine an online magazine for executives who are responsible for business strategy and operating results who are continually striving for new and better ways of improving their business. MetaOps MagEzine is for independent thinkers and leaders who seek new ideas to help them achieve and maintain excellence.  The MagEzine is written by top talent experts in many disciplines that provides insightful, up-to-date, and informative articles on topics that will help business innovators achieve their goals.  Get a free subscription at http://www.MetaOpsMagazine.com