
Milestone has many features which set themselves apart from the competition. Milestone has recently announced the completion of their proprietary life settlement management database. After two and a half years of software development, finalization of this tool allows Milestone to evaluate an extreme amount of policies in a very quick turn-around time.

Milestone is also well known for its â??No Policy Left Behindâ?? program, which focuses on small policies that are often overlooked in the life settlement market. The program considers face amounts as low as 50K in death benefit, giving brokers and agents a new resource to better serve their clients who own these smaller policies.

With the combination of this newly developed software and the â??No Policy Left Behindâ?? program, Milestone is able to provide the quickest policy turn-around-time in the industry.

On Policies under $1M, milestone can provide an offer/declination within 48 hours of submittal. Milestone can also provide contracts on ALL POLICIES within 24 hours after offer acceptance.