
MyPuck Goalie Rental provides the fastest know response time in the industry because not only does MyPuck use Blackberry's but our goalies do too!  That means we can respond to your game request and have a goalie ready for you in less than a minute!

We get lots of positive feedback all the time.  It ranges from our fast response time, being able to send a goalie out on late notice, providing the right guy for the game and sometimes it's just a nice thank you for a job well done.

It's our mandate to get the right goalie to the right game.  That means sending an A goalie to an A game, right down to a beginner to a beginners game.  It keeps the customer happy and the goalie playing games that will keep him interested and on top of his play.

Our industry first is our fast response time.  It's easy in this industry to say you've got the fastest reponse time but when we get back to our customers in less than a minute with a goalie confirmed, well, let's just say the team is happily surprised.  And we do this every time!

We provide goalies for ice hockey, ball hockey and roller/inline hockey.  We cover every level - A, B, C, D, E and beginner.  We provide goalies for games, shinny, tournaments, special needs, corporate events, commercials and any other time you might need a goalie.