
Ever got a surprise at a hotel - different than pictures? Ever felt the tourist spot was not that good? Tired of searching through multiple sites for, let me guess, one hotel? Felt like the reviews and ratings were manipulated?

That's what MyVRooms.com strives to change. We plan to make your booking process very simple and easy to use.

We curate, research and bring out the best hotels for you so that you don't have to apply those stupid filters again and again.

All the hotels listed on MyVRooms.com, have been selected based on the criteria that you always look for, TripAdvisor ratings, star category, safety, budgets and so on.

What's more? Well we know you love to get more for less. Don't you. So we even got as real as possible, 360 degree pictures of the hotels and places of your interest. Explore them in full Virtual Reality before you decide. Isn't that Try Before You Buy?