
Company Overview

Iontas’s goal is simple: to help companies work smart. Iontas creates software that captures information about how contact center, back office, and enterprise workers use software applications to do their jobs. Managers can then use that information to improve the business processes and software their company uses. In addition, they can provide employees with the specialized tools and training they need to be more efficient.

Iontas enables corporate leaders to measure and optimize how their most vital resource (people) are using the tools they have at hand (business processes, software, and hardware) to serve their company’s market.

Focus is now on over 500,000 PCs worldwide and growing. Iontas is poised to ride the wave of global competition being felt by US contact centers, banks, conglomerates, and large retailers.

About the Focus Suite

Iontas’s Focus suite includes three independent modules, Activity Focus, Event Focus, and Process Focus. Activity Focus acts as a 21st-century efficiency expert, producing full time-and-motion studies for every employee in the company who uses a computer. The data that Focus provides becomes even more powerful when analyzed and acted upon. Any business manager can easily customize Iontas’s Event Focus application to, say, send an email, start a recording, or prevent a transaction when a worker enters certain data. The suite’s third component, Process Focus, provides the graphical reports a manager needs to help employees improve their business processes, software, or skills.

While it replaces the “man-with-the-clipboard,” the Focus suite also changes the way companies improve efficiency. The software enables firms to help each employee by improving their tools and the way they use them. Lilliputian in size (250 kilobytes), Focus can be installed without network interruption on every PC and laptop in an organization. The encrypted messages it regularly sends to a central server require the bandwidth of just a single email.