
Since 2004, Natural Plan Stomach Soother (tm) has been the natural & affordable treatment for stomach distress & more for horses & other living things.

Natural Plan Stomach Soother (tm) is an all natural treatment for stomach & disgestive distress & the accompanying problems that causes.  It's made from papaya which contains papain, an enzyme that can soothe the digestive tract & stimulate the appetite.  It's easy to give since horses love the taste.  The HORSE JOURNAL reported that Natural Plan Stomach Soother (tm) provided "rapid relief within 3-5 days" for horses with symptoms of "poor appetite, mild depression or irritability & sporadic belching or tooth grinding."

NPSS is made in the United States from American papaya.  It is completely natural, safe and does not test.  

Natural Plan Stomach Soother (tm)is useful for horses, dogs, cats, rabbits & parrots.
It is distributed & sold nationally and available on their website http://www.stomachsoother.com