About |
The genesis of New Wellness Concepts comes from years of experience and a healthy dose of frustration with a medical system that works against common sense. Though there has been discussions since the 1980’s regarding how to incorporate health and wellness into everyone’s life, there has been very little progress. There is no disagreement about the benefits of an evidence based wellness program however we still have not made it available to the masses. This of course has a lot to do with money or the lack there of. Wellness is not paid for by most insurance and the people that should be leading the wellness march (medical practitioners) are very expensive to have around. There are a few great wellness programs in existence and I have been blessed to be a director of one of these rare programs. Access to these types of programs has historically been very limited. This limited availability has allowed a free-for-all of information which typically focuses on making money instead of sound scientific advise.
Society has become confused and frustrated with the fad diets and multitude of exercise programs/equipment that come up short of their expectations. Even the television feeds this conflicted love affair with health and wellness. When we see people falling from exhaustion on a treadmill or throwing up from over exertion on TV, though the results are often desirable, it is hard to get motivated to start a similar exercise program. Even these well publicized examples go against what the science is telling us works. At New Wellness Concepts we are trying to change the view of society through evidence based information that we make available to the masses. We hope you will let us get you started on your personal path to wellness.