
NoteLinkers Brokerage (NoteLinkers.com) is a Note Brokerage Service providing a direct link between Noteholders that wish to sell their notes and Qualified
Investors that wish to buy them as potential investments.  

Receive a Lump Sum Payment for your Notes with the assistance of NoteLinkers
Brokerage!  Never worry about late or non-payments again.  Our Note Brokerage
Service is ideal for Mortgage Notes, Structured Settlements and Annuities,
Business Notes and Lottery Winnings.

We work with Investors that have the ability to purchase notes in all 50
states: 1st & 2nd mortgages, partial purchases, wrap arounds, balloon payments, mortgages secured by land, condos, multiple dwellings, shopping centers, office and medical buildings and mobile homes with land. There are additional Investors that purchase structured settlements, business notes and annuities.

Let NoteLinkers Brokerage assist you with getting the cash that you need.
After you submit your Note Worksheet for a Free Quote, highly qualified
Investors will review it and offer a quote for a Lump-sum payment. The paperwork and closings are managed by reputable, Professional Closers.  Never worry about late or non-payments again.  Act now and get cash for your notes.  Visit us online today!