
OmniLedger is a leading consulting and products firm for companies looking for more efficient ways to report Financial and Operational information.  We have worked with the Microsoft FRx family of reporting solutions for over 15 years.  We are experts with FRx and FRx Forecaster.  We offer The OmniLedger solution which allows FRx to be used outside of the General Ledger.  This allows the accountant in all of us to write the operational reports they need in a format they understand.

OmniLedger is also a partner with Rivet Software, the leader in XBRL compliance solutions.  With our Rivet partnership, OmniLedger extends our service and product offering to include adherence to the new SEC XBRL standards for international financial reporting compliance and financial reporting communication and tagging.

We are simplifying and facilitating the way companies can use financial information.

With FRx & FRx ForeCaster from Microsoft, our own OmniLedger Solution and CrossFire, CrossTag and Dragon from Rivet Software, OmniLedger is filling the gap to all of your financial and operational reporting needs.