
About Brooklyn Community Services
BCS celebrates the strength of the human spirit, and in 2016, we celebrate our 150th Anniversary.  Our mission is to empower at-risk children, youth and families, and adults with mental illness or developmental disabilities to overcome the obstacles they face, as we strive to ensure opportunity for all to learn, grow and contribute to ONE Brooklyn Community. To achieve this mission, we offer comprehensive and holistic services: early childhood education; youth development services and educationally rich after-school programs; counseling for at-risk families; treatment, recovery and job training to support the life goals of adults living with mental illness; person-centered rehabilitation and community living support for adults with developmental disabilities and disaster recovery case management and relief services. BCS also seeks to increase public awareness of the impacts of poverty on individuals and the community at-large.  With a staff of over 500 and over 25 sites around the borough, BCS serves 13,000 people every year. Today, BCS is one of the oldest not-for-profit, non-sectarian social service providers in New York City.