About |
One Chicken Fest is a festival aimed at connecting people to the organizations that can help us create positive change in the world. The chicken is a symbol for one small thing - "one chicken" - that can be changed in your life that will make a positive impact on the earth. “Just one chicken” can make a difference, and our aim is to encourage everyone to do what they can, when they can. One Chicken Fest aims to make environmental activism more fun and accessible in order to make it a regular part of people's daily lives.
There are a lot of great organizations and programs that many people do not even know about – groups to help conserve water, groups to help us dispose of electronics safely, groups to help us recycle more of our trash – even groups helping with things as specific as spaying and neutering our pets! However, a lot of the people who could really benefit from these services might not even know they exist.
One Chicken Fest was founded in 2015 by Charles and Deirdre Wiley, local residents of North Hollywood, California, with the aim to bring their local community together for a day of education, music, local artists selling their crafts, and delicious food that is organic, sustainable and humanely raised.
The first One Chicken Fest took place successfully in April of 2015, and our goal is to continue to grow this movement of hatching positive change through our annual festivals and through growing and nurturing a community of folks discovering their own "one chickens" throughout the year. No matter where we come from, our background, our political leanings, or anything else that might seem to divide us, what we all have in common is our one planet. Together, we can help heal and sustain this one beautiful earth that is our home - one chicken at a time.
For more information about One Chicken Fest, go to www.onechickenfest.org