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Ottomatic Control Systems, LLC is pro-forma. Algorithm coding is needed for computer instructions. Lab research will test the prototype's mode switching technology and intermittent power pulses. Ottomatic is a leading innovator in engine operation technology, focused on developing a sustainable solution to reduce fuel consumption and emissions. The company’s new Gen2 (Generation 2) system, currently patent pending, promises to significantly reduce fuel consumption (down to 1% of the fuel used now) and reduce carbon dioxide emissions. Gen2 enables engines to seamlessly switch between power and economy modes. This transformative technology uses a groundbreaking approach that utilizes variable mode control. By introducing intermittent power pulses while operating in Mode 2—the economy mode—the system could multiply mpg as much as 100 times.
“Intermittent power pulses” has potential to be compared to another primary invention everyone uses (the wheel). With the ability to run in Mode2 up to 99% of the time, the Gen2 system could bring a significant reduction of the global carbon dioxide level when they are on most of the vehicles worldwide. The core of the innovation is an occasional power pulse that helps maintain a consistent rpm above a reference rpm at any speed. Mode2 is drastically improving fuel mileage. The Gen2 system also simplifies engine components, such as removing timing belts, chains, tension adjusters, lifters, push rods, rocker assemblies, camshafts, and valve springs, contributing to a lighter, smaller, more efficient engine.
A computer algorithm controls the system, ensuring that the engine operates at optimal efficiency, using a Hall effect sensor to monitor rpm and maintain engine rpm using occasional power pulses. This cutting-edge technology could have far-reaching effects on fuel economy (uses 1% of the fuel consumed now) and carbon dioxide emissions worldwide. As Ottomatic works toward securing a patent for this revolutionary technology, the company is preparing for global distribution of Gen2 system kits. These kits are expected to be available to engine assemblers, parts stores and for purchase through the company website, allowing consumers and manufacturers to adopt the technology on a broad scale. Proving this fixes the unsolvable climate problem is the focus of Gen2 occasional pulse engineering because it is an insightful scientific discovery. This must be proven by lab research metrics to be a fact. Research is arranged with graduate Mechanical Engineering students in a bench testing lab. Gen2 could be installed on new engines and engines we're using worldwide to reduce fuel waste and carbon dioxide pollution. Think of it as the answer environmental science needs. Gen2 kits could be on every engine. This adaptable mode/intermittent pulse discovery could be established as a fact.
Using 1% of the fuel is clever and is world-changing since it wasn’t possible before this bright discovery. A Gen2 system could be installed on any engine worldwide. This has value for our future. It could be universal because it is the answer to solve the problems. It’s similar to a medical vaccine used to cure a disease caused by viruses or bacteria. Gen2 is considered an ultimate cure for fuel waste and to reduce carbon dioxide pollution to 1% from engine systems.
Adaptable operation of an engine was written without anything similar to it being developed. The news may announce "A revolutionary technology was discovered. We are pleased to announce a revolutionary advance with potential to change how engines operate globally. This cutting-edge technology could have far-reaching effects on fuel economy. Engines with Gen2 kits can use just 1% of the fuel they consume today." Gen2 system kits could enable engines to operate more efficiently by switching to economy mode, offering a viable solution to the world's increasing carbon dioxide levels. Mode2 is "green" since engines emit a limited amount of greenhouse gas. Engines run in Mode2 up to 99% of the time. Occasional power pulses effect mpg when using Mode2. Gen2 is an engineering breakthrough. An opportunity is offered with this announcement that could benefit our future. Help develop the discovery. Share the news. Contact details are available in the company profile.
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