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KVR is into Credit Verification Services for various Banks, MNCs, NBFCs and Telecom Industries and Property Management Services. It is the first company to launch tenant verification service in India. www.OwnersHub.Com is an initiative taken by the KVR.
Under Property Management Services, the following services are offered.
1) Tenant Verification (First Time in India)
With our Tenant Verification service you will know exactly who is residing in your house, how good or bad they are going to maintain your property, where they belong from, what they do for a living, how credible are they in paying your rent on due date. This will ensure accountability and also as an owner you can actively engage your tenant in maintaining your property in a good shape.
2) Rental Collection Services
As property owners we always wish the rent came on time from the tenant without repeatedly asking the tenant to deposit the rent amount in to our bank accounts. Sometimes we as owners forget to collect and sometimes they as tenants forget to deposit or pay. Due to this negative vibes exchange between the tenant and the owner leading to inconvenience for both the parties which results in ruining the tenant-owner relationship.
3) Free Rental Classifieds
Rental/Buy/Sell Classifieds Ads can be posted for Free of charge. The Ads will appear for 15 Days. 3 Images for each Property can be added. The Ads can be renewed for another 15 days.
The posting of Ad can be done in 3 Easy Steps.Register, Confirm Email ID by clicking on the link provided in the mail, Enter the Data to be displayed. The ADs will start displaying.
4) Rental Diary
This digital dairy can be a very convenient and useful means to maintain the details of rent received on your property and the expenditure incurred. You can enter and store details such as Due Date of Rent, Rental Amount, Mode of Payment, Cheque Details, Payment Collection Date, etc.
For more details, Please visit the website www.OwnersHub.com