
Oxfam Ireland is a member of Oxfam International, a confederation of 14 organisations, working together to achieve greater impact. We are an independent, secular, not-for-profit organisation, committed to working with people to overcome poverty and injustice worldwide.

   * Our vision: a just world without poverty.

   * Our mission: to increase the numbers of people in developing countries having a sustainable livelihood, access to essential services, equal rights and status, and physical security.

   * Our belief: at Oxfam, we believe that in a world rich of resources, poverty is neither natural nor inevitable. We believe that human beings have rights to a home, enough to eat, clean water, a way to make a living, education, healthcare, freedom from violence, a voice, and an identity.

   * Oxfam is a global movement of PEOPLE: people passionate about justice, working together to overcome the injustice of poverty. People such as the volunteer in the local Oxfam shop; the community leader in Kenya helping local farmers find ways to grow more crops; the water engineer working in an emergency drought; the campaigners lobbying their local political representative on trade rules. Anyone who cares about justice can play a part with Oxfam.