
Panache magazine is a bright, charismatic and entertaining read for the 25- to something-something.
It is THE new life style magazine which caters for the BME population and covers everything relevant to everyday life in the 21st century.
Thought-provoking real-life stories
Business and Finance
Health and diet recommendations
Smart shopping advice
2 for 1 offers
Wearable fashion tips  
Easy home, food and lifestyle tips.
“PANACHE” (http://www.panacheoccasions.com/What%27s%20On.html  is your smarter monthly magazine.
We aim to push our magazine as the must go to, must read source for news entertainment, health and financial advice. We will also enable the contributors and the readers to engage with each other through an active and lively comment section.
We would ask everyone who enjoys our first edition to pass the link to our  magazine to all your friends and family. Please help us make this the success we know it can be.
Link: http://www.panacheoccasions.com/What%27s%20On.html