About |
Every Child is a GEM is a fundraising arm of Parousia for the Nations. We believe that every child is like a gem, precious and valuable. We are volunteers making high quality, heart-made jewelry to help one child at a time, one bracelet at a time. Yet, Every Child is a GEM is much more than a jewelry making enterprise. It is a community of people just like you who have given of their time, talent and financial gifts to make something beautiful with a purpose.
The goal of Every Child is a GEM is to draw people together who are like-minded in their belief that every child is a gem and who have a heart for reaching out to help the many children who are living in poverty-stricken situations.
Every Child is a GEM’s launching project is being done in collaboration with Mission to the Fatherless (www.missiontothefatherless.net). At this time, all of the profits from the sale of items will go to fund two orphanages that are located in Oyugis and Kakmega, Kenya. It’s amazing to realize a mere 15€ will feed a child for a month while 59€ sponsors a child fully for one month. Sponsoring a child includes all of his or her food, clothing, education, medical, and housing. There are also opportunities to “adopt” an orphaned child
There are various ways that you can participate and embrace the vision of Every Child is a GEM:
Impact Purchases: Express your love… Purchase our heart-made jewelry. Buying just one bracelet will sponsor a child for one month! 100% of the money you spend will go to the orphans. Not even one euro will go to the administrative costs of this project because we have partners donating money specifically for the overhead costs.
Impact Venues: Display your compassion… Serve as a venue where this heart-made jewelry can be sold – recognizing that all the profits will go to fund the orphanages.
Impact Hands: Extend your hands and join us… Use your hands, your community connections and your talents to organize a jewelry-making gathering to create jewelry that can, in turn, be sold on behalf of Parousia for the Nations. Parousia artisans are available to teach you how to create Parousia original heart-made designs.
Parousia Impact Holidays: Join the lifeline of a future and a hope… make a difference in the lives of many by taking a holiday to the orphanage to teach orphans and widows the art of jewelry making and business organization. It is our desire to teach the orphans and widows to make jewelry themselves; thus, providing a way for them to develop a trade and to start becoming self-
For further information on how you can be involved, visit our website at www.parousiaforthenations.com.