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The Raw Express~ Nationwide Raw Food Weekly Meal Delivery Service. At an affordable $100 a week, customers can have healthy, organic, pepared gourmet raw food all week long! Sugar free, gluten free, wheat free, dairy free, vegan, fresh and delicious. This is the Healthiest food on the planet! Each week we provide a menu of healthy and delicious foods so you can have our organic, raw, fresh foods all week long! Everyone can benefit from incorporating more fresh, delicious raw foods into their diet. These live foods are fresh, organic, raw, vegan, and satisfying!
Do you want to eat healthier, reach your ideal weight and feel great........but don't have the time to spend on extensive meal preparation? Let us do the work for you! At a very affordable $100 a week you can have these healthy, delicious foods all week long!
Raw foods will help you:
•Have increased energy
•Strengthen your immune system
•Reach and maintain your ideal weight
•Feel Amazing!
Eating a diet rich in fresh greens, vegetables, and fruits is the easiest way to maintain optimal health and weight. It helps you avoid the foods that have been linked to degenerative diseases and weight gain, including “bad carbs” (such as white sugar and white flour) and “bad fats” (saturated and trans-fats). Additionally, raw greens, vegetables, fruits, nuts, and seeds have vitamins, minerals, phytonutrients, enzymes, and fiber--all essential for good health. Better nutrition will not only help prevent disease and overweight, but also slow the aging process.
"Raw" means food that is unprocessed, unrefined, and untreated with heat. The three main raw food groups are fresh fruits, vegetables (particularly green leafy vegetables) and natural fats, such as avocados, nuts, and seeds. Raw food isn't a radical concept; most nutritionists agree that we need to eat more fresh fruits and vegetables. The raw food diet simply suggests that these foods should be most of what we eat, and should be prepared in a way that maximizes nutrient content.
Eating raw foods doesn't need to be all or nothing. A small percentage of people eat 100% raw, but this isn't practical for most of us. Eating even 50-75% raw foods can improve health and vitality. The main point is to increase the percentage of fresh fruits and vegetables in the diet.
How it works: Each week we prepare a variety of delicous raw foods that you can order and have delivered anywhere in the Continental U.S. Orders are placed by Fridays at 6pm (PST) for delivery or pick up the following Monday. The menu for the following week is updated Fridays by 8:00 pm (PST) and can be viewed at http://PJsRawCuisine.com
There are four weekly menus that rotate in order. Each menu has a total of 9 items, consisting of: 1 Breakfast, 2 Soups, 2 Side Dishes, 2 Entrees and 2 Delicious Desserts (more than one serving of most). The Raw Express is about 4-5 days worth of food (guaranteed fresh for 5 days) and is priced at an affordable $100 week.
Delivery or pick up:
Local pick up is available on Mondays in Monterey, CA. Please call 831-324-0707 for details. Local delivery within a 10 mile radius of Monterey is $20. Shipping is available to anywhere in the Continental U.S. for a flat rate of; Express Mail (overnight to most locations) is $60, within 200 mile radius of Monterey, CA is $30. All deliveries (local or domestic) are delivered or shipped Monday mornings. Eat Raw - Feel Great!
http://pjsrawcuisine.com 831-324-0707 ~ 831-444-5565