
Pen­guin Hall is an his­toric estate in Wen­ham, Mass­a­chu­setts with 50 park­land acres sur­round­ing a gra­cious 1929 Manor House. It was built by Ruby Boyer Miller to accom­mo­date her affair with Antarc­tic explorer Richard Llewe­lyn Byrd and passed through a series of diverse and car­ing own­ers before being trans­posed into a senior inde­pen­dent liv­ing com­mu­nity with 24-hour staff, mag­nif­i­cent ameni­ties and inte­grated home care. The prop­erty is in the heart of his­toric South­ern Essex County, known for its charm­ing towns, white sand beaches, major muse­ums, cul­tural events and rich mix­ture of din­ing traditions.

Pen­guin Hall res­i­dences are designed as beau­ti­ful homes for healthy, active seniors; many retired but some not. All are con­do­mini­ums that sub­tly incor­po­rate those fea­tures that pro­vide safe accom­mo­da­tions for the incon­ve­niences of aging. The own­ers are served by a full staff that include 24-hour concierge assis­tants, there to pro­vide what­ever ser­vices make lives more con­ve­nient and more secure. Res­i­dents can extend enter­tain­ment and activ­i­ties into Pen­guin Hall’s carved pan­eled rooms, take advan­tage of a port­fo­lio of mag­nif­i­cent ameni­ties and know that there is a back­stop should a health event arise.

At a time of life when health­care is crit­i­cal, the deeply ingrained Assisted Liv­ing model is fail­ing. Aging in Place, either in a tra­di­tional home or a lux­ury con­do­minium, is a short-term, problem-ridden solu­tion that will require another move, prob­a­bly under dif­fi­cult con­di­tions. Alter­na­tively, a com­mu­nity that is built and man­aged for res­i­dents to receive fam­ily or pro­fes­sional care in their homes offers a dig­ni­fied, com­fort­able cost-saving alter­na­tive, one per­fected over two decades in six com­mu­ni­ties by Wise Liv­ing.

To learn more call us at 978-468-2465.