
Peptides International was founded in 1983 to address the need for quality products and services in the field of peptide synthesis. Twenty-five years later, the company has become recognized around the world as a trusted source of high purity, quality products ranging from innovative resins to complex custom peptides. Peptides International remains a private company.

Today, in its laboratory facilities, the company has an active research and development program that complements its production of solid phase resins, amino acid derivatives, peptides, and related products.

Throughout its history, Peptides International has also maintained a close relationship with the Peptide Institute of Osaka, Japan, a world leader in complex peptide synthesis. The company is proud to offer the full line of quality products from the Peptide Institute as well as a portfolio of premium specialized products from other reputable sources which are described in the product section of this site.

Peptides International remains a company that never compromises research integrity and social responsibility, or forgets to treat people with respect and kindness. Since its founding, these standards have been the basis for our growth and success and continue to guide our future.