About |
The charity was set up by parents in 1953, with a small special school for children with cerebral palsy. Since then it has extended the work it does to its current size, of over 550 staff.
Our Aims
With over 500 staff and a turnover of more than £16m, the Percy Hedley Foundation is one of the largest regional charities supporting disabled people. Our size enables us to provide a wide range of services to over 1000 families each year. But our paramount aim is quality - to support people through specialist services that are of an outstanding quality and we have a well established reputation for quality.
Underpinning all our work as a charity are four principles:- that we will provide high quality services, will innovate through our services, will evaluate our work, and will freely disseminate our knowledge.
Who we support
The Foundation meets the needs of disabled people with cerebral palsy, communication impairments, sensory impairments and complex learning, social care and therapeutic needs.
What we do
We offer a wide range of children's services and adult services. Children's services include a nursery, family support services, a school for parents, Percy Hedley Lower School, Percy Hedley Upper School, the Northern Counties School, and residential and respite care for all ages.
Adult services include residential services, adult day care services, Northern Counties College and employability projects, as well as Conductive Education for Adults who have Parkinson's, MS or have had a stroke.
The Sports Academy offers a very wide range of disability sports and its facilities are used not only by many local disabled groups but also for regional and national events.
To help raise the £16m needed each year, the Foundation has its own Fundraising Department.
We also offer a developing range of training and consultancy both nationally and internationally.