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Why should you attend a Planning Conference?
All of our conferences are research led – Unlike many of our competitors our production team hit the phones to determine the topics that you want to hear about. Commercial companies only speak if they have something interesting to say that fits in with our agenda, we never build the agenda around the commercial companies!
Sharpen the Saw – You may have seen this phrase bandied about, but what does it mean? The idea behind it is that sometimes you have to take a break from doing your job to sharpen your skills. A dull axe won’t cut a tree nearly as effectively as a sharp one. Come to one of our events and you’ll learn more effective ways of working.
Meet Experts & Influencers Face to Face – You’ve read about the excellent work your peers are doing and want to find out more? It’s always difficult to phone up a competitor to ask about how they went about setting up a new service but in a conference environment it’s easy to strike up conversations and find out the answers to your questions (tell your boss you can get the answers to their questions too!)
Networking Opportunities – We’ve never been more connected, you have 2000 Twitter followers, 700 LinkedIn Connections, innumerable Facebook friends but how many do you really know? You connected with John Smith a while back and he’s written some interesting things but you’ve never had the chance to actually speak. Well, now here he is! Make the most of these opportunities, engage with your networks and create new ones!
New Tools and Techniques – You’re a whizz on word, a dynamo on powerpoint but you don’t realise the opportunities the latest app can bring you. You can find out more about the latest technologies that people are using that can reduce your costs and increase your productivity.
Learning In a New Space – Take a break from your usual surroundings and be inspired in a new place. We hold events at RIBA, QEII Centre and many more fantastic venues.
The Energy of Like-Minded Individuals – Are you the only planner in your office, in a small team? Take the opportunity to spend the day with like-minded individuals facing the same challenges as you.
New Tips & Tactics – Sometimes you don’t what it is you need. There are so many apps, programmes, tools, all promising to achieve great things. How can you cut through the clutter and find out the perfect tool for you and see how it can transform your business.
Break Out of Your Comfort Zone – You’re comfortable at your desk, getting on with the job. But can you do more? Can you achieve greater results? Can you find out what others are doing? Get out of your shell and make new contacts, new friends, new opportunities!
Greater Focus – It’s easy to lose focus and difficult to get it back, following the same old routine day in day out. What you need is a chance to be reinvigorated, bring new life and new ideas back into the office.
Invest In Yourself – It’s not all about the company, sometimes it’s about you. Give yourself the best tools to cope with your ever increasing workload, find the best ways of motivating yourself and face your challenges head on.
Serendipity – Sometimes you don’t know you need something until it’s right on front of your eyes. Conferences bring together all of the tools, tips and techniques in the industry. Unless you’re there, you won’t know what you are missing out on.
CPD Points – All of our events are CPD accredited, so they all count towards your learning totals for the year.
Have Fun! – Don’t think of it as a chore that has to be done, think of it as an exciting opportunity to change your life for the better!
Takeaways – Take everything you’ve learnt back to the office and prepare for a brighter future!