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Practice medicine your way with Praxis EMR. With Praxis, doctors are able to express their medical concepts in their own words instead of trying to pigeonhole patients into pre-determined molds.
While most EMR systems are template-based, Praxis: The Template-Free EMR is based on a powerful artificial intelligence engine called a Concept Processor. The Concept Processor acts as a second medical brain, mirroring the mind of each physician by recalling elements from past cases that are similar to the case being seen. This enables instant documentation in a provider’s own words, allowing individuality and creativity as opposed to restrictive data fields within template software. The more a physician uses Praxis EMR, the faster and more powerful it becomes.
Praxis is fast: Most Praxis EMR users chart notes in less than 45 seconds. It’s that fast. Praxis is the fastest way to chart medicine today because with Praxis you literally chart as fast as you think. Even ‘smart’ templates force you into preset molds that slow down your thinking. As Praxis learns from you it becomes progressively faster until you chart at the speed of your mind.
Praxis is easy to use: With only a few mouse-clicks you complete entire complex chart notes. Praxis is that easy because it’s your medicine, your own way. You get exactly the information you need, when you need it, in your own words. The Praxis template-free design allows personalized medical charting with mission critical accuracy.
Praxis is flexible: Imagine charting without rigid boilerplates, cumbersome drop-down menus, and endless pick-lists. Praxis enables you to chart your own way, while, with the Knowledge Exchanger feature, allowing you to tap into the medical knowledge of colleagues, Praxis users, and experts. Praxis complements your individual style of medicine, using your own words, without ever forcing you into inflexible templates.
Praxis is smart: No EMR software understands more about your practice than you do. And, because the Concept Processor learns from you, the more you use Praxis the smarter it becomes, increasing the quality, consistency, and profitability of your practice. Praxis allows you to chart smarter and more intelligently… for a lifetime.
Praxis is legally sound: Praxis consistently lowers common human errors that lead to malpractice. No template does this. In addition, Praxis helps defend you legally because your notes are protected by physician-patient confidentiality. Templates, in contrast, may be introduced as evidence by a prosecution in a court of law. Imagine how pleased a plaintiff's attorney would be to find that your entire practice could be reduced to a series of simple statements. Suddenly, your art of medicine is diminished, and you appear to be a mere technician forcing all your patients into a single mold.
Praxis is medically sound: You wish to practice at your very best under any situation. Praxis EMR ensures that you maintain your own personal level of excellence at all times, no matter how many patients you are seeing, or how many hours you’ve been working. Like no other system, Praxis EMR constantly improves the quality of medicine you provide to your patients… and helps make you a better doctor.
Combined, these benefits will reduce your personal stress, make your practice more profitable, and free you from the burden of bureaucratic paperwork.
Visit our website and view the free demo today.