
Pro-Gen Studios is the group behind Advent Saga. We currently focus exclusively on the card game, bringing all of our resources to bear on making this the most dynamic game in the genre, while concentrating on making a product that is challenging yet accessible to everyone. The core of Pro-Gen is a group of long-time gaming connoisseurs - designers really in touch with the problems players face in other games and working to make sure none of those issues exist in our product. Our designers methodically test every card to ensure balance, playability, and strategic value so that on the Advent Saga battlefield, every card is worthwhile.

Beyond the game design team, Pro-Gen makes a habit of seeking out independent artists for our writing and artwork. Besides Advent Saga's creators, Manuel and Manny, the rest of the art team is all drawn from indie artists who enjoy our product and have a commitment to excellence in their work. This includes our lead developer, Jordan, and our lead writer, David. Every member of the team was brought aboard eager for the chance to display their talents and help craft Advent Saga into the finest game in the field. Pro-Gen operates out of Brooklyn, New York, but seeks to launch Advent Saga on a global scale and continue creating the highest caliber work in the gaming community while remaining dedicated to our core values of building a strong gaming community and giving up-and-coming artists a platform for their talents.