About |
Since 2001, Quality Training Tutors has provided professional tutoring to thousands of Spanish speakers in the Dallas area, to help them succeed in English language usage in the workplace. The company’s goal is “Building bilingual leaders for everyday success,” and our training center has the technology, personal service, and the credentials to make that happen.
Our training center accomplishes this by offering convenient, affordable classes tailored to fit every need, including face-to-face instruction, private tutoring, IPOD video course, and online classes. Their services also include teaching Spanish language skills to English speakers.
Lillian Gomez, the founder of Quality Training Tutors, is ESL and TESL certified by Oxford to teach English to speakers of other languages, and to teach English as a foreign language. Her staff of instructors are equally as well qualified.
Over the years, businesses have sent managers and supervisors who are native English speakers to Quality Training Tutors’ Spanish for Management course. The return on investment for businesses who chose this strategy inevitably was a decided increase in those employees’ workplace productivity. Companies have continued to trust Quality Training Tutors to develop English fluency in employees who show great potential for success.